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Mathematics teaches us that for any problem there can be zero solutions, one unique one, or an infinite number of potential solutions. We can avoid being pigeon holed into zero or one answer by expanding our constraints, looking beyond the normal restrictions. Open your mind and heart to other ideas and the answers become obvious.

Poetry Uncategorized


So here we are. The Grey. Silence and nothingness. No passion, no love. Not even its flipside of hate. Just greyness. Loneliness and longing. Waiting for Godot That will never come Unless the sun rises in your heart once more.

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What do I want you to do? Stop. Reflect. Believe. Love.

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Sunrise in a Storm

There is no sunrise in the midst of a storm, No light save that which we create. And although I would never wish you harm You drown out my love with hate.

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February Funk

I haven’t seen the sun in days. The grey of the Northern winter Hangs over everything, cold That bites the flesh and soul Stealing your breath and leaving You bitter has arrived.

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You are the most beautiful of enigmas. Aggressively sexy and shyly demure Completely confident and yet so unsure. Brazen and bold yet fearful of neglect, Bitter and sweet, a poisonous treat. All fictions and conflictions Of dissonant cognitions Stories and lies wrapped up in the truth that I should hate.  But I love you.

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Funny Bunny

Only 642 more eye rolls to go!


My Muse

Hope and hurt intermingled: the bittersweet of life, where our Muse inspires and fires us, while burning and spurning our hearts and souls. Great pain Great love Great art All that is fallen from Heaven Or raised from the depths of Hell Jangled together in concordance Discordance Dissonance The exquisite enigma Of love.

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Am I a Good Guy?

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Dreams are messages from the Universe or from our subconscious minds attempting to warn or guide us. Whether the Powers above or our deepest darkest desires are the source and inspiration for the messages as we sleep, we must listen to our guides. Else we are out of harmony with the world and our selves; […]